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Royal Ivory Oak Kitchen Examples

Here at Cut Price Kitchens we know how hard choosing the perfect royal ivory oak kitchen can be. Which is why we have included some fantastic pictures taken by our satisfied customers that include this range featuring a solid wood worktop, arguably the most popular finish with this style of kitchen. We have also included some very informative description on how it has been worked well with the surrounding environment.

Solid oak painted doors are the most current choice amongst home owners and developers that want a luxurious kitchen with a mix of current design trends and a traditional feel.

This door takes the shaker style door and adds a second style creating a twin panel shaker effect. The deep styles and rails accentuate the thickness and quality of these doors.

Royal Ivory Oak

A traditional wide Belfast sink further links the old and new style in any home and the modern swan necked chrome tap further emphasised the use of modern metals and traditional wood.

Royal Ivory Oak

Using solid wood worktops to emphasise the wooden door and door knob all tie in nicely to give a warmer feel to any kitchen. This door style works especially well with a wide stainless steel range and American Fridge Freezer with a top box, bridging unit above to house the appliance.

Royal Ivory Oak